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Commands for managing core dumps

You use the system node coredump config commands to manage the configuration of core dumps, the system node coredump commands to manage the core dump files, and the system node coredump reports commands to manage application core reports.

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Configure core dumps

system node coredump config modify

Display the configuration settings for core dumps

system node coredump config show

Display basic information about core dumps

system node coredump show

Manually trigger a core dump when you reboot a node

system node reboot with both the -dump and -skip-lif-migration parameters

Manually trigger a core dump when you shut down a node

system node halt with both the -dump and -skip-lif-migration parameters

Save a specified core dump

system node coredump save

Save all unsaved core dumps that are on a specified node

system node coredump save-all

Generate and send an AutoSupport message with a core dump file you specify

system node autosupport invoke-core-upload

The -uri optional parameter specifies an alternate destination for the AutoSupport message.

Display status information about core dumps

system node coredump status

Delete a specified core dump

system node coredump delete

Delete all unsaved core dumps or all saved core files on a node

system node coredump delete-all

Display application core dump reports

system node coredump reports show

Delete an application core dump report

system node coredump reports delete

Related information

ONTAP 9 Commands

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