ONTAP 9.14

to Japanese version

Commands for managing the cluster time

You use the cluster time-service ntp server commands to manage the NTP servers for the cluster. You use the cluster date commands to manage the cluster time manually.

You can configure your NTP server with symmetric authentication.

The following commands enable you to manage the NTP servers for the cluster:

If you want to…​ Use this command…​

Associate the cluster with an external NTP server without symmetric authentication

cluster time-service ntp server create -server server_name

Associate the cluster with an external NTP server with symmetric authenticationAvailable in ONTAP.

cluster time-service ntp server create -server server_ip_address -key-id key_id

The key_id must refer to an existing shared key configured with '`cluster time-service ntp key'.

Enable symmetric authentication for an existing NTP serverAn existing NTP server can be modified to enable authentication by adding the required key-id.

Available in ONTAP 9.7 or later

cluster time-service ntp server modify -server server_name -key-id key_id

Disable symmetric authentication

cluster time-service ntp server modify -server server_name -is-authentication-enabled false

Configure a shared NTP key

cluster time-service ntp key create -id shared_key_id -type shared_key_type -value shared_key_value

Shared keys are referred to by an ID. The ID, its type, and value must be identical on both the node and the NTP server

Display information about the NTP servers that are associated with the cluster

cluster time-service ntp server show

Modify the configuration of an external NTP server that is associated with the cluster

cluster time-service ntp server modify

Dissociate an NTP server from the cluster

cluster time-service ntp server delete

Reset the configuration by clearing all external NTP servers' association with the cluster

cluster time-service ntp server reset

This command requires the advanced privilege level.

The following commands enable you to manage the cluster time manually:

If you want to…​ Use this command…​

Set or modify the time zone, date, and time

cluster date modify

Display the time zone, date, and time settings for the cluster

cluster date show

Related information

ONTAP 9.14.1 Commands

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