ONTAP 9 Manuals ( CA08871-402 )

Modify QoS marking values

You can modify the Quality of Service (QoS) marking values for different protocols, for each IPspace.

Before you begin

All nodes in the cluster must be running the same version of ONTAP.


Modify QoS marking values by using the network qos-marking modify command.

  • The –ipspace parameter specifies the IPspace for which the QoS marking entry is to be modified.

  • The –protocol parameter specifies the protocol for which the QoS marking entry is to be modified. The network qos-marking modify man page describes the possible values of the protocol.

  • The –dscp parameter specifies the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value. The possible values ranges from 0 through 63.

  • The -is-enabled parameter is used to enable or disable the QoS marking for the specified protocol in the IPspace provided by the –ipspace parameter.

The following command enables the QoS marking for the NFS protocol in default IPspace:

network qos-marking modify -ipspace Default -protocol NFS -is-enabled true

The following command sets the DSCP value to 20 for the NFS protocol in the default IPspace:

network qos-marking modify -ipspace Default -protocol NFS -dscp 20
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