

ONTAP 9 マニュアル ( CA08871-402 )



  1. volume object-store コマンドで tiering オプションを指定して、高パフォーマンス階層への昇格ステータスを確認します。

    volume object-store tiering show [ -instance | -fields <fieldname>, ... ] [ -vserver <vserver name> ] *Vserver
    [[-volume] <volume name>] *Volume [ -node <nodename> ] *Node Name [ -vol-dsid <integer> ] *Volume DSID
    [ -aggregate <aggregate name> ] *Aggregate Name
    volume object-store tiering show v1 -instance
                                      Vserver: vs1
                                       Volume: v1
                                    Node Name: node1
                                  Volume DSID: 1023
                               Aggregate Name: a1
                                        State: ready
                          Previous Run Status: completed
                     Aborted Exception Status: -
                   Time Scanner Last Finished: Mon Jan 13 20:27:30 2020
                     Scanner Percent Complete: -
                          Scanner Current VBN: -
                             Scanner Max VBNs: -
          Time Waiting Scan will be scheduled: -
                               Tiering Policy: snapshot-only
         Estimated Space Needed for Promotion: -
                            Time Scan Started: -
      Estimated Time Remaining for scan to complete: -
                        Cloud Retrieve Policy: promote
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