

ONTAP 9 マニュアル ( CA08871-402 )

デグレードしたシステム ヘルスへの対応例

ノードへのパスが2つないシェルフが原因でシステム ヘルスがデグレードした例を使用して、アラートへの対応時にCLIに表示される内容を確認します。

ONTAPを起動したあとにシステム ヘルスを確認すると、ステータスがデグレードしていることが判明しました。

      cluster1::>system health status show


      cluster1::>system health alert show
               Node: node1
           Resource: Shelf ID 2
           Severity: Major
	   Indication Time: Mon Nov 10 16:48:12 2013
     Probable Cause: Disk shelf 2 does not have two paths to controller
    Possible Effect: Access to disk shelf 2 via controller node1 will be
                     lost with a single hardware component failure (e.g.
                     cable, HBA, or IOM failure).
 Corrective Actions: 1. Halt controller node1 and all controllers attached to disk shelf 2.
                     2. Connect disk shelf 2 to controller node1 via two paths following the rules in the Universal SAS and ACP Cabling Guide.
                     3. Reboot the halted controllers.
                     4. Contact support personnel if the alert persists.


      cluster1::>system health alert show -monitor node-connect -alert-id DualPathToDiskShelf_Alert -instance
                  Node: node1
               Monitor: node-connect
              Alert ID: DualPathToDiskShelf_Alert
     Alerting Resource: 50:05:0c:c1:02:00:0f:02
             Subsystem: SAS-connect
       Indication Time: Mon Mar 21 10:26:38 2011
    Perceived Severity: Major
        Probable Cause: Connection_establishment_error
           Description: Disk shelf 2 does not have two paths to controller node1.
    Corrective Actions: 1. Halt controller node1 and all controllers attached to disk shelf 2.
                        2. Connect disk shelf 2 to controller node1 via two paths following the rules in the Universal SAS and ACP Cabling Guide.
                        3. Reboot the halted controllers.
                        4. Contact support personnel if the alert persists.
       Possible Effect: Access to disk shelf 2 via controller node1 will be lost with a single
 hardware component failure (e.g. cable, HBA, or IOM failure).
           Acknowledge: false
              Suppress: false
                Policy: DualPathToDiskShelf_Policy
          Acknowledger: -
            Suppressor: -
Additional Information: Shelf uuid: 50:05:0c:c1:02:00:0f:02
                        Shelf id: 2
                        Shelf Name: 4d.shelf2
                        Number of Paths: 1
                        Number of Disks: 6
                        Adapter connected to IOMA:
                        Adapter connected to IOMB: 4d
Alerting Resource Name: Shelf ID 2


      cluster1::>system health alert modify -node node1 -alert-id DualPathToDiskShelf_Alert -acknowledge true

シェルフ2とノード1との間のケーブルを修正してから、システムをリブートします。次に、システム ヘルスを再度確認し、ステータスが「 OK 」であることを確認します。

      cluster1::>system health status show
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